好名字 www.hmz.com 时间:2016-04-26 编辑:小编15

ゾ守一座ㄣ空城 | ゾ等一位ㄣ旧人
ゾ keep a be empty city | ゾ wait a be crucified
三生烟火 | 一世迷离
Be fireworks | I be blurred
`衬衣夹克为你 | `高跟牛仔配你
` shirt jacket for you | ` high-heeled cowboy with you
花间心安舞 | 月下自在眠
Peace among the flowers dance | comfortable sleep under the moon
づ黙认゛緈冨 | づ黙认゛耒来
づ 黙 recognize ゛ 緈 冨 | づ 黙 recognize ゛ Lei
那女人、咱疼 | 那男人、我爱
The woman, I ache | that man, my love
万般皆是命 | 半点不由人
Life is burnished | any people
靠他肩 | 抚她脸
On his shoulder | stroke her face
万人嫌 | 千人憎
Ten thousand people too | ten thousand people hate
暮冬- | 初晴-
Late winter - | attendance -
捂耳听风 | 挽风入耳
Cover their ears to listen to the wind | arm in the wind
关灯有我在i | 开灯就是你i
Turn off the lights in the I | I open lamp is you I
桔梗花的海洋 | 蒲公英的半海
A sea of the ocean of balloon flower | dandelion
深情如许 | 与你白头
Deep feeling so much | grow with you
装天真 | 装幼稚
With the naive | juvenile installed
゛-宿丶命│ ゛-纠丶结
゛ - lodge, life │ ゛ - remedy, knot
The sunflower. | hin collector.
亲爱的、挫人 | 亲爱的、挫神
Dear, fell | dear, god
为你痴狂 | 喂你狂吃
Crazy for you | feed you eat
情到深处人孤独 | 人到孤独更情深
Deep affection to the people alone | to more deep loneliness
ˇ I not Grosvenor LTD handsome | ˇ I not Bai Fu beauty
颜不如初. | 人不如故.
Yan is not the same. | not the same.
执恋 |执爱
Holds love | hold love
熟悉的气息- | 陌生的氛围-
Be familiar with the breath - | strange atmosphere -
失了身*| 失了心*
lost * * | lost heart
清欢相伴 | 温酒相随
QingHuan company | he drank

半声笛 | 半城柳
Half sound flute | half willow
If you can dream | affair
成绩差的学生总比人渣好 | 吃货总比痴货好
Students with poor grades is better than scum | version is better than chi goods
抬手牵流岚 | 举步过忘川
Hand holding flowing haze | all over sichuan
白天不懂夜的黑 | 咖啡不懂酒的醉
Don't understand the night's black | coffee during the day don't understand wine drunk
半点清露入墨 | 一缕清香入画
| a wisp of fragrance show any clear lotion into the ink
北港初晴 | 南岸末阴
At the end of the south north Hong Kong attendance | Yin
娇唇印甜蜜 | 眼眸印温柔
Gentle charming sweet | eyes the lip seals
颜不如初 | 人不如故
Yan is not the same | people is not the same
[ 唯独你入眼 ] | [ 唯有你倾心 ]
[but you eyes] | only you fall in love]
人间十二月满 | 莫留十三月孤
Human full | mo for December 10 March alone
南城以南少年愁 | 北城以北少年梦
South north of the south of the young sorrow | beicheng young dream
Heartless injury "| rink hijinks tao lung love"
余温 。 | 失温 。
The keypad. | temperature.
我也很想他 | 我也很想她
I also want to his | I also want to her
Hold me tight | warm me
Together on the other side of the |
待我长发及腰 | 肯定静电不少
My long hair and waist | must be static
请勿模仿姐 | 请勿模仿哥
Please don't imitate elder sister | please don't imitate elder brother
那是曾经? | 只是回忆?
It is used? | just memories?
折流云为笔 | 拾落叶为纸
Fold the cloud for pen | leaves for the paper

ゾ守一座ㄣ空城 | ゾ等一位ㄣ旧人
ゾ keep a be empty city | ゾ wait a be crucified
三生烟火 | 一世迷离
Be fireworks | I be blurred
`衬衣夹克为你 | `高跟牛仔配你
` shirt jacket for you | ` high-heeled cowboy with you
花间心安舞 | 月下自在眠
Peace among the flowers dance | comfortable sleep under the moon
づ黙认゛緈冨 | づ黙认゛耒来
づ 黙 recognize ゛ 緈 冨 | づ 黙 recognize ゛ Lei
那女人、咱疼 | 那男人、我爱
The woman, I ache | that man, my love
万般皆是命 | 半点不由人
Life is burnished | any people
靠他肩 | 抚她脸
On his shoulder | stroke her face
万人嫌 | 千人憎
Ten thousand people too | ten thousand people hate
暮冬- | 初晴-
Late winter - | attendance -
捂耳听风 | 挽风入耳
Cover their ears to listen to the wind | arm in the wind
关灯有我在i | 开灯就是你i
Turn off the lights in the I | I open lamp is you I
桔梗花的海洋 | 蒲公英的半海
A sea of the ocean of balloon flower | dandelion
深情如许 | 与你白头
Deep feeling so much | grow with you
装天真 | 装幼稚
With the naive | juvenile installed
゛-宿丶命│ ゛-纠丶结
゛ - lodge, life │ ゛ - remedy, knot
The sunflower. | hin collector.
亲爱的、挫人 | 亲爱的、挫神
Dear, fell | dear, god
为你痴狂 | 喂你狂吃
Crazy for you | feed you eat
情到深处人孤独 | 人到孤独更情深
Deep affection to the people alone | to more deep loneliness
ˇ I not Grosvenor LTD handsome | ˇ I not Bai Fu beauty
颜不如初. | 人不如故.
Yan is not the same. | not the same.
执恋 |执爱
Holds love | hold love
熟悉的气息- | 陌生的氛围-
Be familiar with the breath - | strange atmosphere -
失了身*| 失了心*
lost * * | lost heart
清欢相伴 | 温酒相随
QingHuan company | he drank

半声笛 | 半城柳
Half sound flute | half willow
If you can dream | affair
成绩差的学生总比人渣好 | 吃货总比痴货好
Students with poor grades is better than scum | version is better than chi goods
抬手牵流岚 | 举步过忘川
Hand holding flowing haze | all over sichuan
白天不懂夜的黑 | 咖啡不懂酒的醉
Don't understand the night's black | coffee during the day don't understand wine drunk
半点清露入墨 | 一缕清香入画
| a wisp of fragrance show any clear lotion into the ink
北港初晴 | 南岸末阴
At the end of the south north Hong Kong attendance | Yin
娇唇印甜蜜 | 眼眸印温柔
Gentle charming sweet | eyes the lip seals
颜不如初 | 人不如故
Yan is not the same | people is not the same
[ 唯独你入眼 ] | [ 唯有你倾心 ]
[but you eyes] | only you fall in love]
人间十二月满 | 莫留十三月孤
Human full | mo for December 10 March alone
南城以南少年愁 | 北城以北少年梦
South north of the south of the young sorrow | beicheng young dream
Heartless injury "| rink hijinks tao lung love"
余温 。 | 失温 。
The keypad. | temperature.
我也很想他 | 我也很想她
I also want to his | I also want to her
Hold me tight | warm me
Together on the other side of the |
待我长发及腰 | 肯定静电不少
My long hair and waist | must be static
请勿模仿姐 | 请勿模仿哥
Please don't imitate elder sister | please don't imitate elder brother
那是曾经? | 只是回忆?
It is used? | just memories?
折流云为笔 | 拾落叶为纸
Fold the cloud for pen | leaves for the paper

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